Sunday, August 28, 2011


was an amazing movie do you agree?|||YES, COMPLETELY.|||Didn't suck. I liked it.|||transforrrmer is an static electric machine which converts input voltage/current to another level without changing frequency and power.|||I liked the special effects of the movie. Did not care too much for the story line and the bad acting. I thought Megatron was a gun. Oh well.|||yes, very good.|||I really hate Michael Bay (his movies use all the same tired formulas), but TF was an enjoyable action flick. It was apparent to me that this film was made for the whole family, as there was no sex, blood, swearing or "real" violence. Which is kind of refreshing, but at the same time you wish it wasn't so silly. (The dialogue was goofy and inappropriate during a time when all human life is supposedly in danger. : )

Great voice for Optimus, and cool effects. The first time Barricade transformed from a robot to the police car, everyone in the theater clapped -- it was pretty awesome!

However, I had many gripes about it, mostly Bay's selling out and compromising the creative. Like making Bumblebee a Camaro since they obviously have a product placement deal with Chevy. But c'mon, Bumblebee's a VW BEETLE!! Also, it sucked that Megatron's no longer a gun, and Soundwave was noticeably absent. They made Devastator one small robot (the size of Prime) instead of making him bigger, comprised of the 6 Constructicons.

The little Decepicon robot that kept hacking into systems reminded me of Jar Jar Binks, as in he was pretty annoying. The part where he escaped Air Force 1 was dumb.

I wish they hadn't told the story through the humans' perspective -- the cartoon was always good about that.

Pretty good overall though, I'd recommend it to TF fans.|||The animation of the robots to vehicles and other items was awesome, but the plot was thin and predicatable and athough the actors were good in their roles, but the human characters were not all that likeable.

If the "Sam Witwicky" had bought it at the end trying to save the cube, it would have been like, "that is sad, oh well"...I was more upset when Bumblebee was tortured.|||I very well liked the transformers movie, and now am watching again the 80's cartoons.

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